Andy D. Duncan

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Goals for 2020

Well, here we are, over a week into the new year and new decade, and over the past few weeks I’ve been thinking and pondering over what goals I would like to set and achieve in 2020. In the interest of adding some sort of accountability to them, I thought I’d post them here. At least the ones that are relevant to my photographic life. So without further ado, here they are:

  1. Make 8 new woven pieces.

  2. Make 4 new collages

  3. Print more often (the weaves do not count toward this)

  4. Take a photograph every day. I don’t intend to share each of these every day. I’ll try to share at least one a week, but this is just a personal exercise.

  5. Post to this blog at least twice a month.

I have another big goal for 2020 that is very much about photography, but separate from this website. Last year, late summer and fall, I made a few family portraits of my in-laws family and my own, and, in contrast to the “college years Andy”, I really enjoyed it. For years, almost two decades, in fact, I never really liked photographing people, and dealing with something that is independent and autonomous. The landscape didn’t need to be posed. I only needed to find the right point in space and click the shutter. But Tommy changed all that. And after doing these few portraits of my families, I’ve decided to take the plunge. So this year in 2020, I’m officially going to start doing portrait photography. My business will be (is) named 1 of 1 Photography, and I’m super excited to enter a new phase of life!