Ibarionex Perello

When looking for photographic inspiration, I rarely used to turn to street photography. Not because I dislike or disliked the genre, as a viewer, but mostly because I'm not attracted to making those kinds of images, so I (to my detriment) tended to not seek out those images.

Ibarionex Perello puts out a podcast, titled The Candid Frame, and I've been a listener for years and years. When I first started listening, circa 2008 (the podcast has run since February 2006), it seemed like nearly all of his guests were street photographers, or portrait photographers, and I let my disinterest in making street photography or portraits get in the way and I skipped so many of those early episodes. But eventually I got over myself, and regularly turn to Ibarionex and other street photographers, either actively, or passively, and for the past seven or eight years haven't missed an episode.

Ibarionex is one of the best interviewers I've known, up there with the likes of Charlie Rose. Each episode is so inspiring and it's great to learn from all of the wonderful artists he has on the show.

But, enough about the podcast, and lets get into some photographs!

In addition to being a fantastic interviewer, Ibarionex makes excellent street and portrait photography. He talks a lot about gesture, and uses that element (something that took me a while to comprehend in the images where there aren't any people—I always connected gesture to sentient beings, mostly humans) masterfully to create impact within an image.

Ibarionex has such wonderful sensitivity to light and shadow, and attention to shape, and line.

Ibarionex is quite a prolific photographer and has enough images to keep you busy for hours. Go check it all out on his website, and subscribe to The Candid Frame podcast while you're at it, and then follow him on Instagram!

Bill Wadman

A few weeks ago, I mentioned the podcast On Taking Pictures in my post on Jeffery Saddoris. Bill Wadman, was the other host of that podcast, and is the subject of today's post.

Bill is a portrait photographer, and makes truly excellent work. His Motion body of work is my favorite, having a personal history in ballet. Instead of freezing the dancers in motion, he photographed them in a way that captures their whole movement, blurring their arms, and legs, and bodies, and the images are just lovely.

As I mentioned, Bill's portrait work is excellent. Whether it's a corporate headshot, or environmental, he makes some of the best portraits I've ever seen. But if you want to see any of it, you'll have to go visit his website. And while you're at it, follow him on Instagram.

Ryan Parker

Ryan Parker's Hinterland series explores the intermediate zones between the altered and natural landscape: distribution centers, storage complexes, real estate developments, gravel pits. These images bring to our attention and elevate those scenes we see so often yet disregard as unimportant, and by so doing makes us confront our role in the disappearances of so much of the natural landscape in order to satiate society's hunger for "bigger" and "better" and our need to have more and have it now.

Check out the rest of the Hinterland images on Ryan's website, and follow him on Instagram.

Rebecca Sexton Larson

This one is for the photo historians/family historians/found photograph enthusiasts. Rebecca Sexton Larson's work has a foot in just about every aspect of the medium of photography, as well as other artistic media. Rebecca uses pinhole cameras, the bromoil process, salt prints, found photographs (which she alters), digital negatives, and hand-painting techniques to create images that range from whimsical, to surreal, to sublime.

View more of Rebecca’s work on her website, and go follow her on Instagram!

Jeffery Saddoris

Several years ago I was searching for more photography podcasts that didn't focus so heavily on gear or technique, but philosophy and the creative and even theoretical side of the medium, and found On Taking Pictures, a podcast by Bill Wadman and Jeffery Saddoris. It wasn't purely philosophy and theory; they sometimes discussed gear, but in a different way than others I came across. Those discussions were always in the context of the camera being a tool and whether a certain camera or lens or light was the best tool to use to achieve their desired result. It was full of intelligent and thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion, and at times it felt like I was again part of a graduate program. That particular podcast has now been over for a few years now, but Jeffery has continued podcasting, producing three regular podcasts: Process Driven, In Between, and Iterations. You can subscribe to their individual feeds, or subscribe to Jeffery's Everything feed, where you'll get all three as they become available.

Jeffery himself is more a painter than a photographer, and in his latest work, Grid Variations, vol. 1, he made several 6"x6" square pieces that can all be organized and arranged at random, and the possible combinations are endless. It's fun to view the work on his website and imagine different groupings and find how each piece relates to the body of work as whole, but also how they relate to the ones adjacent to it, and those throughout the whole project.

In The New Propaganda, Jeffery uses collage and elements of traditional propaganda to "communicate larger messages and ideas."

Go check out more of Jeffery's work on his website, follow him on Instagram, and subscribe to one or all of his podcasts! You'll be glad you did!

Scott B. Davis

Scott B. Davis's recent work pushes landscape photography and the platinum/palladium process in very intriguing ways. He carefully and meticulously creates panoramic diptychs in camera, making pairs of paper negatives and film-based platinum/palladium prints.

Scott has a unique talent in exploiting the view camera's property of displaying the world upside down and backwards; instead of re-inverting the image shown on the ground glass, he composes the image as if it's already oriented correctly, and then further expands the composition by exactly matching horizon lines to create a new panorama. In these images, details aren't important—light and shadow are. The images aren't so much about the land or landscape as they are about space and abstraction.

Scott has a book coming out soon by Radius Books. You can purchase a copy here.

Go check out more of Scott's work on his website, and follow him on Instagram.

Aida Muluneh

In her body of work titled The World is 9, Aïda Muluneh creates wonderful portraits inspired traditional African body art. In this series, she explores “whether we can live in this world with full contentment.”


Go visit Aïda’s website and view more of her wonderful work.

Teresa Meier

Love at fist sight is how I would describe my feeling when I first came across Teresa Meier’s work.

I love the stories her work tells! 



Hubris and Hamartia—Allies and Enemies

Hubris and Hamartia—Allies and Enemies





Waiting recently won the Juror’s award in the  Fictional Narrative exhibition at the Photo Place gallery in Vermont opening up December 6, and will be up until January 5. Waiting  and Hubris and Hamartia  also can both be seen at the Portland Art Museum Rental Sales Gallery.

If you can’t see her work in person at either gallery, grab your favorite beverage and go check out her website!

Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison

I’ve been a long-time admirer of the husband and wife duo Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison.

They’re work is conceptual, and centers around the “Every Man,” who interacts with the landscape and works tirelessly to repair the damage done by man’s insatiable desire for expansion and advancement.


Diana Bloomfield

I came across Diana Bloomfield on Instagram earlier this year, and have been quite fond of her work ever since.

For Diana, photographs and memories are inseparable. She often works with gum bichromate, as the process and it’s resulting softness add to the feeling of the photograph’s relationship to memory.

During this year, Diana has been working on creating a piece of art every day, and as part of that project, she has been photographing flowers from her garden, and I love these botanical portraits. 


View more of Diana’s fabulous work on her website, and check out her Instagram feed

Dornith Doherty

Dornith Doherty was given access to several seed banks across the world and, using the on-site x-ray equipment gathers images and then arranges them into collages. She also was able to photograph the facilities where these seeds are preserved.

Millennium Seed Bank Research Seedlings and Lochner-Stuppy Test Garden no. 2

Millennium Seed Bank Research Seedlings and Lochner-Stuppy Test Garden no. 2

Columbian Exchange I

Columbian Exchange I

Columbian Exchange III

Columbian Exchange III

Entry Tunnel, Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Entry Tunnel, Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Collection of Drying Plant Genetic Researches, Geneva, New York

Collection of Drying Plant Genetic Researches, Geneva, New York

Millenium Seed Bank Vault Interior, England

Millenium Seed Bank Vault Interior, England

View more of her Archiving Eden work and so much more over at her website.

Mary Sloane

Mary Sloane has some interesting work of dilapidated billboards along highways in the American Southwest.


There's something I really love about Mary's aesthetic and the bland, bleak landscapes in which these billboards reside.


Check out more of Mary's work at marycsloane.com